Sunday, January 29, 2012

Swap Meets, Redecorating and Moving Day

Well, since I've been working to try to get my life back after our accident, I am excited to try to begin crafting again and also to decorate our little trailer home. When we bought the trailer a year and a half ago it was brand new and I couldn't bear the thought of putting any holes anywhere or doing anything that would mar the beautiful newness. Of course spending months in bed also leaves no time, energy or motivation to do any decorating. When you don't have enough strength to take a shower, it's a little difficult to think about decorating your living space.

Well, as time has passed it has become depressing to live in a place that has no personal touches, no personality, it just isn't home. So, I am now on a journey to make it home. To that end I went and did a little shopping the past few days. I love to try to buy used; thrift stores, yard sales, swap meets, ebay, etc... So, the other day I decided to get up early to take my husband to work so I could visit my favorite swap meet. But I decided at the last minute to go to a swap meet I had been trying to get to for years but somehow kept showing up on the wrong days. I was rather discouraged when I showed up a little before 7 am to a swap meet that is supposed to start at 5, only to find very few vendors and most of them just getting started with their setup. I contemplated cutting my losses (the .50 entry fee) and heading to my regular place. But I decided to wait it out.

A little after seven I decided to start walking around a little and my patience paid off! First find was a miniature cabinet that definitely needs a good cleaning and a paint job, but I am hoping to find a home for it in my bedroom when it's done. Cost: $3.00! Yippee!

My favorite color is red and I am trying to not only collect red things, but to replace things I already have with red. (I am looking forward to purhasing a red crockpot in the near future!) So, I was very tempted when I saw a beautiful red pie pan for only $3.00! It was one of those beautiful stoneware pans with decorative edges that I have had my eye on for a long time. But I haven't done any real baking since we've been in the trailer. For two reasons, first because of the aforementioned physical limitations, but lately because there just isn't room. So, I decided to pass on the pie pan. I wandered around a little more. Found some cute Hello Kitty nail decals for my daughter, a few little red pieces of tupperware and then headed back to my car to call it a day. As I got to my car I started to think about that beautiful red pie plate. I tried to reason with myself, "Colleen, how often do you make pies anymore?" But then I thought, I could use it for other things, fudge, casseroles, cakes. Hmmm, it's pretty small for casseroles. I went back and forth about it all the way back to the car and then I realized, if I leave without this pie pan that I know costs at least $15 in the store I will regret it! So, I wandered around the maze and found my way back to the vendor and bought not only my beautiful new $3.00 red stoneware pie pan, but also a nice little $2.00 red stoneware mini casserole pan! My husband was excited when he saw that and asked, "so is that my new french onion soup crock?" Yes Honey. But now my conundrum, they had two of the pie pans, and I only bought one, should I go back and get the other one? Because as soon as I got home I regretted not getting them both! Hmmm.

After the swap meet I stopped off at Michael's Craft Store and picked up a few little items for Valentine's Day. My most exciting find was a little red heart wreath that is meant to be a Valentine decoration, but since red is my decor color it will work all year long. It was only $2.99 and I had a 40% off coupon so you just can't beat that!

Today we finally made it out to the Camping World store to buy the shower curtain rod we have been wanting for months! It is a rod that curves out to give you more space in the shower. I can't wait for that to get put up. I also found the exact rack I have been wanting to help organize our plate cupboard. It is a three tier rack that will make life much easier. 

Next up was a trip to Wal Mart where I finally found a bathroom rug in a color I wanted. My husband loves purple so I try to make our bedroom and bathroom purple for him. I found a beautiful purple bath mat and my goal is to do some shabby chic purple, pink, and white in there. Also, the big hurrah, finally found the spring rods I need to make our kids their bunk curtains! I have been wanting to do that since we got the trailer, but as we know, have not been up to it. We did not find the material for them. I want them to find something they love, not just settle for anything. So it will be a few days at least before we can continue with that project, but we do have the most important part, rods that fit! I also finally got some wall decor that I have been wanting for awhile. Unfortunately one is a wallpaper border I've had my eye on, but the space for it is not big enough. Oh well. I picked up some hardware I needed to be able to hang things on the wall. All in all, I am set to work on some decorating! We also recently pulled one of my fabric bins out of storage so my daughter and I are excited about getting to do some crafting, decorating, and possibly some baking.  

I will post pictures as soon as possible. It is very late and tomorrow is moving day. As full time RVers we move every couple of weeks. Tomorrow is moving day, which is a long and tiring day. And after moving we still have to go grocery shopping and buy some new sneakers for my daughter and I.

Have a blessed day!

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