Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life Jacket vs Life Boat

If the boat you were in capsized, which would you rather depend on to save yourself and your loved ones, a life jacket or a life boat? Why do I ask?

Well, the past couple of years have been more than challenging. There have many times when I literally felt like I was drowning. This morning as I was praying I realized that the mistake I've been making is trying to do too much of it in my own strength. It's as if I was really drowning, in the ocean, and I had to choose between a life jacket = doing it on my own, or a life boat = letting God carry me through. I have been choosing the life jacket!! How crazy is that when you look at it like that? Why do I continue to struggle with turning things over to Him? Is it simply human nature? Or is it more deeply rooted in the way I've learned to cope in a world that hasn't always been a safe place? Whatever the cause, I intend to seek Him harder, and cry out to Him more, rather then trying to keep myself afloat I think I shall choose to seek refuge in the life boat. Which is exactly the way He wants it. That I am sure of!

Be blessed!

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