Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

Another new beginning. Another chance to do things differently, to make better choices, to learn from our mistakes. Another opportunity to evaluate our lives and see what is working and what is not. New dreams to dream, new adventures to have, new opportunities to explore. There is something about the New Year that brings about those feelings, and yet in truth, each moment holds these same opportunities. Every morning we have a fresh start, every week we get a new beginning, but truth be realized, we don't have to wait for these times to start fresh. At any moment in time we can stop, take a look at our lives and make choices to start anew and afresh. To change course, to let go of things that need to be left behind and to start something new. At any moment in our lives we can decide to chase an adventure, to dream a new dream. So, while it's great that this is the beginning of a brand new year and the obvious opportunity to evaluate and change things, let's not get stuck in the muck and mire of life. Let's remember all year long that we have the opportunity to make changes in our lives! To begin again. Remember, His mercies are new every morning, and so are the opportunities He puts in front of us. What would you like to change? It's not too late to make a new start.

Happy New Year!!

Be Blessed,

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