Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Moving Day

So, in the time I've been missing we have found a new home to rent, moved out of our old home and into the new one and started a whole new facet of life! Something we've always wanted to do, we've gotten a little farm started right in the midst of the big city. Okay, so not really the big city, but the city. For the past couple of years we've all been crammed into a very small 3 bedroom townhouse which was a true blessing to us, but which was way too small for us. We were used to having a large home on a large lot and we missed that more and more each day. But God's timing is not our timing, so while we were thankful for the townhouse, we longed for the time when God would move us on to something bigger with a little privacy and our own little spot of ground. And preferably with no stairs! :-)

This year when our lease was up the opportunity suddenly popped up for us to move up the road to a wonderful 4 bedroom ranch style house that sits on 1/2 an acre! We've wanted to live the country lifestyle for many years, when we were in our old house we had chickens, a rooster, ducks, rabbits, turtles, and various "normal" pets, dogs, cats, rats, hamsters, assorted birds. When we moved to the townhouse we were basically pet free except for our cockatiel. Now we are beginning to gather a menagerie again! We now have four chickens, a rooster and two goats to begin our little farm.

So, life continues to change each day and as we journey we marvel at how God weaves things together to form this tapestry we call life. Our days are full of settling in and getting things in order. The back 40, or livestock area, has been neglected for the past couple of years so there is a lot to do. We're hoping the goats will take care of a lot of that but since they can easily reach the grape vines in the back they are much more interested in munching on those than the 1/4 acre of weeds waiting for them. I guess I can't blame them, as I told my husband, if you had to choose between grapevines and dried out dead weeds, which would you eat?!

There is a pond in the mid yard area that we are working on cleaning out and getting up in working order. I look forward to that as I have longed for a pond for over a decade! I have many vegetables started and awaiting transplanting once we get an area fenced off in the back area so the goats don't neglect their weed eating duties to feast upon the delicacies of all those vegetable plants!

I love how God works things. In my impatience I often forget to just wait upon Him and His timing, but when He works it out His way it is always so sweet!

Well, there are chores waiting for me and a nice warm bed calling my name so I close for now to enjoy life on the farm. :-)

Have a blessed day!