Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Family Movie Night

My daughter and I were recently talking about family movie night and today the phrase movie night keeps popping up in my life, so I thought I'd write a little post about it. We didn't have a home theater, or even a big screen tv, but we enjoyed some great and memorable family movie nights. When our older kids were younger we could take them to the drive-in for a special treat, but by the time our younger ones came along drive-ins were pretty much a thing of the past. The price of movies was so prohibitive that we started doing family movie nights.

We would gather together our popcorn, our favorite candies and drinks and bring our pillows and blankets into the family room and pop in a movie, or two, and enjoy. Then we'd all fall asleep and spend the night in the family room. Great memories! If you've never done a family movie night I highly recommend it!


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