Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Habit of Prayer

Many times I find myself talking about problems. Talking about them, crying about them, complaining about them. But many times I realize I have forgotten to pray about them. I know that seems like a duh moment, but really I have observed that this is the way many of us live our lives. 

When we are upset about something the first thing we want to do is call someone, post a FB status about it, talk about it, etc... But if we would just pray about it, then we put it in the hands of the One who can truly DO something about it! 

Today I just want to encourage you to take your problems, your burdens, your worries, your cares and lift them to the One who can do something about them. But then, remember to leave them there! lol Allow God to direct you in what action to take about the situation, or whether you are to take any action at all. 

Life is too short to waste time. I can't count how many hours I have spent worrying about things, complaining about things, carrying them around with me day after day. 

All that time I spend complaining or worrying I could have spent praying, praising, loving others, enjoying life. 

Why do we choose to complain and worry when we could choose love, peace, joy? Habit. Simply put, habit. We have either made a habit out of complaining and worrying, or we have made a habit out of prayer and peace. I know you're thinking it's more complicated than that. But it's really not. It's really that simple. 

If your habit is to worry and complain, I would like to encourage you to begin today to make a new habit. When something happens that upsets you and you begin to worry, or complain, when you reach for the phone or your keyboard, stop and reach for God instead. 

It will take time, you didn't develop this habit overnight and you won't change it overnight. Don't get discouraged. Just keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it, until your first response is to give it to God rather than to worry and complain. 

I know, worry and complaining used to be my habits, but then I created new ones and my life was filled with peace and joy. Over the past few years I've allowed myself to slip back into those old habits again and now I fight fear and discontent again. But I am working on it again. 

Really though, it's about more than just whether you choose peace over worry, or joy over complaining. Really it's about will you choose God's way or yours? 

You see, worry and complaining as habits are not an option for me. I am a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a Christian and that means I have committed to living my life God's way. It's really that simple, it's not complicated as I have a tendency to make it. God's word tells me to cast my cars upon Him. God's word commands me not to worry, not to complain. I will either make a habit of following His commands, or I won't. 

When you look at it in that light, it's really simple. There is no argument that justifies my continuing to complain and worry and be unhappy or upset. I am commanded to pray about it and live in thankfulness, joy and peace. 

So, I am working on rebuilding those habits that make up a life of obedience and I know I will enjoy the fruits of that choice, for they are sweet! 

If you struggle with the habit of complaining and worry, of unhappiness or discontent, I hope you'll join me in choosing to make new habits, and if you'd like me to pray for you, please let me know. 

Be Blessed,
Colleen Cato

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