Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Let's Not Get Distracted

Since our move I've gone to work and have found it very difficult to make time for blogging. I have tried however to keep up somewhat through Facebookand Instagram. Here is the link to a post I wrote about the red cup distraction of late. As Christians let's not allow ourselves to be baited, used, distracted by the foolishness of.the world. Let's take a step back and ask Him to help us focus on the real work He has for us to do. Although I don't know a single Christian who was upset over the cups, my Facebook feed was full of people responding to it all, again, distracted from the real work He has for us. I hope you're blessed by this.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Taking Charge of My Health ~ What I'm Reading Today

This is what I'm reading today on my journey towards taking control of my health. 

Here is a link to a great article about 7 important foods for brain health 

Here is a great article on the price of sleep deprivation. 

And here is one about the importance of Vitamin B to our brains. There is more at the bottom of the article as well about taking care of our brain health.

Hope these are a blessing to you too. 

Have a great week. 


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Let it Snow With These Homemade Snowflakes

Here's a fun craft to do with the kids. Please note that the recipe gives you the amount of borax PER one cup of boiling water. It does not call for one cup of boiling water. The amount of boiling water you need will vary depending on the size of your jar, it's just important to get the ratio correct. It's also important to use a glass jar to help the crystals form, they will not form in plastic jars. Have fun making it snow wherever you are. 

Blessings, Colleen