Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tea Sandwiches

One of our favorite things about tea parties are the delicious finger sandwiches! We have our traditional favorites and I thought I'd share some recipes with you. We cut each type of sanswich into a different shape and of course we remove the crusts! Which can then either be fed to birds or snacked on while you are making them.

Choice of bread is one of those personal taste issues. We normally use white bread for our cucmber and egg salad sandwiches and wheat for our chicken and tuna sandwiches. But you can experiment with your favorite breads.

Mine and our daughter's favorite tea sandwich is the traditionl Cucumber Sandwich. I learned how to make them from a friend who also introduced me to high tea many years ago and they are absolutely delicious! We always cut our cucumber sandwiches into squares.


cream cheese
butter (you can use either salted or unsalted, it's your preference)

Wash your cucumbers. You can peel them completely or partly, it's up to you. An important step to making a delicious cucumber sandwich is to slice the cucmbers, lay them on a paper towel or tea towel and sprinkle salt on them, cover them with another towel and let them sit for about 10 minutes. This will draw the excess water out of the cucumbers allowing them to last throughout your party without becoming soggy.
Next spread cream cheese on one slice of bread and real butter on the other slice of bread. It is a good idea to let your cream cheese and butter sit out for a little bit to soften, I also cream them some with a fork to make them easier to spread. Lay your cucumbers on either slice and put your sandwich together. Cut off your crusts and cut your sandwiches into square quarters. In my opinion and experience, a square is the perfect shape for cucumber sandwiches.

Another family favorite is Egg Salad sandwiches. We make a very simple egg salad as we don't like vinegars or relish in our egg or potato salads. Our shape for our egg salad sandwiches is a rectangle.



18 Hard Boiled Eggs
1 Cup Mayonnaise
2 tsp Mustard
1-2 Cloves of crushed Garlic (Optional)
Black Pepper

Mix the mayonnaise, mustard, crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Mash the eggs. We mash our eggs using a potato masher and then add our mayonnaise, mixture. All measurements are approximate because I just mix to taste. The garlic is optional, we love it, but not everyone does. If you don't, just omit it.

Well, these are our two favorites. I will add more as time permits.


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