I thought I'd explain a little of where we are today and then I will go back to catch up on how we got here. lol
I will flesh things out as they come up. But for now, I felt stuck, like I couldn't move on because I hadn't done all the writing I had intended when I started this blog. Because there was a huge gap in our journey that kept me from moving forward, a large valley between the old and the new that I somehow couldn't get over. So, this post is meant to be the bridge that gets me from the past, to the present so I can move forward. Hope you enjoy the abridged (no pun intended) story of our journey.
We are full time RVers now. We made the transition, wow that is such a nice word, we didn't transition at all! We made the leap to full time about 18 months ago. Just after our car accident. We had always thought this was something we wanted to do. It was my grandparent's dream, although they didn't get to live it. And my husband's parents lived this life for 16+ years.
Sixteen years ago we had planned to take our homeschooling family on the road in an RV, but life got in the way and plans got sidelined. Five years ago we moved from our large, approximately 2500 sq ft home into a fairly small townhouse. It was small but it had a lot of things on my wish list. A built in pool, actually two, in our complex, an attached two car garage, three bathrooms, a dishwasher. Our landlady was a dream and we couldn't have asked for better neighbors. That's where we were when I started this blog. But shortly thereafter life got in the way again!
I had to have surgery and would not be able to climb stairs for at least 2 months following the surgery. Well, that was going to be very difficult living in a two story townhouse with no shower on the first floor. We laughed a little about setting up a kiddie pool in the garage where I could hose myself off for a couple of months. But seriously we needed to look at finding somewhere I could recuperate. We found a great house just a mile up the road from us! A nice big 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on half an acre of agricultural property. Now, I should say that for the past 16 years my heart has been torn. Part of me wants to travel and the other part wants to settle down and live off the land. Basically if I'm not going to be doing one, I'd like to be doing the other.
So, here at last was the place we could put one of those dreams into motion! We had raised chickens for years before moving into the townhouse so I wasted no time finding us some chickens again! I love raising chickens! We love the fresh eggs. I love the sound of the cackling that sounds like laughter to me. We found a nice little family of 5 Rhode Island Red Hens and a Rhode Island Red Rooster. Here they are:
I also hurried up and got us two goats, Mama Goat and Papa Goat. What an adventure that was, but I will leave that for another day. Here are Mama and Papa Goat.
Mama is the dark brown doe standing, and Papa is the cream colored buck laying down.
I had my surgery and we prepared to settle into our little farm as soon as I had recovered. Our daughter set about learning how to be a horse owner since that has always been her dream and I had already decided that the last two years of high school for her would focus heavily on that.
And then, there it is, my glider sitting gracefully under the beautiful weeping willow tree where I dreamed of days spent sipping tea and relaxing with my Bible.
However, once again, life had other plans for us! First I had to have another surgery just three months after the first. I hadn't fully gotten on my feet from the first one, and here I was having another. Then, before we could even unpack we had to move again. Good-bye to our beautiful little farm. But the good news is we were moving to a bigger house on a bigger lot where we could have our goats, our chickens and add horses! Sounds like a little bit of heaven right? Um, well not so fast.
First off, the new place was in the desert, in a place I had vowed I would never live! Second, the house was a fixer upper, definitely on my NO list when we had first moved. But life has a way of taking us places we never thought we'd go. So, off we went on a new adventure.
Again, I will leave those adventures for another time. We had added two horses and a dog to the family, and Mama and Papa Goat blessed us with two new kids. Well three but one didn't survive.
Here is Samantha's first horse Tinkerbell:
Then we added Princess, a Welch Corgie Mix puppy a little less than a year old:
Then came Danny Boy, a rescue Arabian about 25 years old, he is such a lover!
And finally came the baby goats, Angel and her brother Buddy! We knew Mama Goat was expecting and had her penned in her little nesting area, but we woke up one morning to find new surprises waiting for us!
They were seriously two of the cutest little things I'd ever seen in my life! We just couldn't get enough of them!
But once more, before we could settle in and unpack, life had another twist in store for us. Things were not going well at our new farm. I won't go into details, but it was not the situation we had bargained for when we rented the property.
Then in a whirlwind came the decision that we could no longer stay where we were so we set about finding another place but before we could, we were in a major car accident and our lives were turned upside down!
We made the decision to move into the RV for the remainder of the summer while I was undergoing intense physical therapy and then decide on a new place after I was better. We didn't anticipate that it was going to take months, and months and three surgical procedures before I got to the place where I would be released from Physical Therapy. Or that once I was released there was no getting me back on my feet. After spending 7 months in bed in constant excruciating pain, I was so weak I could barely stand, let along do any kind of rehab on my own. But on my own I was. So I spent another 5 months in bed, too weak to do much else. Barely able to stand long enough to shower, let alone do any kind of exercise.
So, there in a nutshell is how we ended up here. :-) During many of those moves we were without internet connection and for the past 18 months we have had no interenet and no computer. I am using our son's laptop now to try to get things going.
So, now that we've made the leap to living our "dream", there are days I am sure this is our dream. And there are days I'm certain we've found our way into another nightmare! lol But we made this decision to do this as we seek God about where He wants us and what He wants us to do, so, we continue to seek where God wants us, and what He wants us to do, and we stay nice and cozy in our little trailer while we do it. :-)
I hope you've enjoyed catching up on our little journey. Now we can move forward!
Be Blessed!