Tumultuous is the best word to describe our lives. I keep waiting for normal, but it continues to elude us, leaving me to ponder whether tumultuous in our normal. The key is finding God's peace in the midst of the turmoil. Hanging onto peace and joy in the midst of the trial that begins before the last one is quite over. Just when I think things have settled down to a nice little roar, the next wave hits. But through it all, we must learn to not lose sight of Him and the peace He grants in the midst of the storm.
I think about the disciples on the boat and the storm raging around them. Jesus was right in the middle of it all, but they were still frazzled, until they sought Him out. Jesus is in the middle of my life also, but He brings me no peace in the storm until I seek Him. Sometimes I think the mere fact that He's in my boat will bring the peace I seek, but no, it's not until I go looking for Him, seeking after Him, that the peace and strength come. I pray for you, peace in the midst of whatever you are going through today and that Jesus would be in your boat!
God Bless,