I've been missing in action since I started Physical Therapy for my back about a month ago and haven't been online since. But I'm trying to get back to some normal life things and there has been so much going on that I have wanted to write about, but I will take it slow. :-) Mostly there are lots of things I'd like to rant about, but I'll try hard not to ramble and rant! At least not too much anyway. lol Hopefully I will get at least some writing done in the midst of trying to catch up on badly neglected housework while I have been down. I'm not sure since I haven't been cooking how there are so many dirty dishes piled up. Ahh, the mysteries of life! Since we haven't really been going anywhere why is there so much laundry? And this is with the kids help. Things that make you go, "hmmmm?". So, there are piles of dishes to do, loads of laundry, vacuuming & dusting to catch up on, backed up emails and quite a lack of groceries but the good news is that I am all caught up on everything reality television has to offer! It's about all I've been able to do in between workouts.
One beautiful thing that has been going on is that we have had such beautiful rainy weather lately and each day on the way home from my therapy when I am exhausted and hurting, there has been a rainbow waiting to greet me on my drive. And each day it has been a completely different rainbow. One day was a very sharp, bright rainbow. Another day we could see the entire rainbow, the whole arch and both sides. And the last was a double rainbow! We tried to get pictures but I'm not sure any of them came out, I haven't had a chance to download any of them yet.
Well, there are other things I'd like to write but as mentioned above, there are mountains of chores awaiting me. And I would like to get some sleep sometime. :-) So, goodnight for now and I'll get back to rant again soon.
Be Blessed!